The data is based on yearly reports from the EEA (European Environment Agency) concerned with the air quality in Europe. In particular the reports establish a link between the air quality and premature death on a country-by-country basis. Premature death is defined as death before reaching an expected age. This expected age is typically the life expectancy for a country stratified by sex.
The data contains the following information:
Year: The year the data was collected, either 2015 or 2016.
Country: The country being quantified.
Population: The population size of the country measured in 1000.
PM25: Fine particle matter, the amount of particles smaller than 2.5 micrometer measured in micrograms per cubic meter (averaged over the year).
NO2: The amount of nitrodioxid measured in micrograms per cubic meter (averaged over the year).
O3: Shortended from SOMO35, the Sum of Ozone Means Over 35 parts per billion (ppb). That is, if \(A_8^d\) is the maximum 8-hourly average ozone on day \(d\), then SOMO35 is \[ \text{SOMO35} = \sum_{d = 1}^{365} \max\{A_8^d - 35 ppb, 0.0\}. \]
O3F: A factor taking the values low and high, when O3 is smaller or larger than 3500, respectively.
PrematureDeath: The number of premature deaths for the given country in that given year.
premature_death <- read_csv("")
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
## Year = col_double(),
## Country = col_character(),
## Population = col_double(),
## PM25 = col_double(),
## NO2 = col_double(),
## O3 = col_double(),
## O3F = col_character(),
## PrematureDeath = col_double()
## )
## # A tibble: 82 x 8
## Year Country Population PM25 NO2 O3 O3F PrematureDeath
## <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 2015 Austria 8576 13.3 19.8 6170 High 7480
## 2 2015 Belgium 11237 13 20.9 2790 Low 9120
## 3 2015 Bulgaria 7202 24.1 16.1 4180 High 15190
## 4 2015 Croatia 4225 17.4 17.3 6240 High 5160
## 5 2015 Cyprus 1173 16.9 14.1 6390 High 820
## 6 2015 Czechia 10538 17 16.6 5560 High 11050
## 7 2015 Denmark 5660 9.7 10.5 2200 Low 2970
## 8 2015 Estonia 1315 6.7 8.2 1780 Low 585
## 9 2015 Finland 5472 5.3 8.8 1360 Low 1590
## 10 2015 France 66488 11.9 17.9 4250 High 47300
## # … with 72 more rows