In high dimensional problems it may be hard to obtain insights from pairwise plots of the different variables in the data. There are \({p \choose 2} = p(p-1)/2\) combinations (when ignoring trivial flips of the axes). Hence, even for moderate \(p\) this is an intractable number of plots..
A solution is to rotate the data to obtain views of the data which contain as much information as possible. One criterion for “information” is variablity.
Recall that for two random variables \(X\) and \(Y\), we know that the linear combination \(Z = aX+bY\) for scalars \(a\) and \(b\) has variance given by: \[\mathbb{V}(Z) = \mathbb{V}(aX + bY) = a^2\mathbb{V}(X) + b^2\mathbb{V}(Y) + 2ab\mathbb{C}(X,Y),\] where \(\mathbb{V}(X)\) is the variance of \(X\) and \(\mathbb{C}(X,Y)\) the covariance of \(X\) and \(Y\).
We can choose \(a\) and \(b\) arbitrarily, but we would like to have the variance of \(aX+bY\) maximal. In order for this to be well-defined we must limit \(a\) and \(b\): \(a^2 + b^2 = 1\), otherwise we could make the variance arbitrarily large. The values of \(a\) and \(b\) defines the rotation of \(X\) and \(Y\) holding maximum variance.
This idea is the basis of PCA - rotate the data such that the resulting components have maximum variance. For the next components to differ from the previous components we impose the requirement that they are pairwise uncorrelated with the previous components.
The data shown below gives and example of how the intrinsic dimension of a data set may be smaller than the actual number of columns in the data.
We see that the first and second PC necessarily needs to be perpendicular to each other in this simple case to be uncorrelated. Below, the green line show PC1, whereas the dashed lines show the perpendicular distances from each observation to PC1. From the definition of PC2, these distances (computed with sign) are therefore the PC2 coefficients.
In the plot below we see how PC1 loads on to the underlying variables. Because PC1 is given by \(a_{1,1}\)Population
+ \(a_{1,2}\)Ad Spending
we expect this linear relationship between PC1 and the variables. However, for higher dimensional data the loads \(a_{k, j}\) may be zero for various combinations of \(k\) (PC) and \(j\) (variable).
In the picture below we see that PC2 is less correlated to the data, which also suggest that PC1 captures most of the variability.
The general problem of finding the PCA for \(X\) being \(n\times p\) data can be solved by finding the eigenvalues of the covariance (or correlation) matrix. Let \(\Sigma\) denote the covariance matrix of \(X\). That is, \(\mathbb(X) = \Sigma\).
For a linear transformation \(X a\), where \(a\) is a \(p\times 1\) dimensional vector, the covariance is \(a^\top\Sigma a\). Hence, we want to maximize this variance with respect to \(a\) while having \(a^\top a = 1\) (as argued for above). This corresponds to solving \[(\Sigma - \lambda I)a = 0,\] where \(\lambda\) is a Lagrangian multiplier. The PCs are unique up to a flip of sign.
For data where the variables are measured at different scales it is typically a good idea to scale the variables first. This corresponds to using the correlation matrix instead.
The PCA can also be viewed as the best linear surface approximating the data in lower dimension.
dataFirst we may make a pairs plot of the data
We see that Murder
, Assault
and Rape
are somewhat correlated and more scatter when plotting UrbanPop
against the three measures of crimes.
We clearly see that the observations have different scales. Hence, it is advisable to use the correlation matrix rather than the covariance matrix for the PCA rotation.
Murder Assault UrbanPop Rape
Alabama 13.2 236 58 21.2
Alaska 10.0 263 48 44.5
Arizona 8.1 294 80 31.0
Arkansas 8.8 190 50 19.5
California 9.0 276 91 40.6
Colorado 7.9 204 78 38.7
Murder Assault UrbanPop Rape
Min. : 0.800 Min. : 45.0 Min. :32.00 Min. : 7.30
1st Qu.: 4.075 1st Qu.:109.0 1st Qu.:54.50 1st Qu.:15.07
Median : 7.250 Median :159.0 Median :66.00 Median :20.10
Mean : 7.788 Mean :170.8 Mean :65.54 Mean :21.23
3rd Qu.:11.250 3rd Qu.:249.0 3rd Qu.:77.75 3rd Qu.:26.18
Max. :17.400 Max. :337.0 Max. :91.00 Max. :46.00
Hence, we use the scale. = TRUE
in the call to standardise (that is use the correlation matrix) rather than the unit based covariances
USArrests_pca <- prcomp(USArrests, scale. = TRUE)
Standard deviations (1, .., p=4):
[1] 1.5748783 0.9948694 0.5971291 0.4164494
Rotation (n x k) = (4 x 4):
Murder -0.5358995 0.4181809 -0.3412327 0.64922780
Assault -0.5831836 0.1879856 -0.2681484 -0.74340748
UrbanPop -0.2781909 -0.8728062 -0.3780158 0.13387773
Rape -0.5434321 -0.1673186 0.8177779 0.08902432
After the PCA rotation, we can yet again make a pairs plot
GGally::ggpairs(USArrests_pca$x %>% as_tibble())
We notice the null-correlations of the PCs
Proportion of variance explained
[1] 0.6200604 0.8675017 0.9566425 1.0000000
Showing both the data and variables in the same plots
par(mfrow = c(2,2), mar = c(1,1,1,1)*4)
biplot(USArrests_pca, scale = 0, choices = c(1,2))
biplot(USArrests_pca, scale = 0, choices = c(1,3))
biplot(USArrests_pca, scale = 0, choices = c(2,3))
USArrests_pca_ <- prcomp(USArrests)
biplot(USArrests_pca_, scale = 0, choices = c(1,2))
Note, in ISLR they flip the sign of the PCs to obtain an easier interpretation of the PCs - however, this is merely for interpretation purposes.
USArrests_pca$x <- -USArrests_pca$x
In the MASS
package we have the data set `crabs``that contain measurements on a specific species of crabs (Leptograpsus).
The data contains data from 50 males and 50 female crabs of each of two subspecies: blue and orange.
ccol <- function(sp) ifelse(sp=="B","#0f7fa9","#fa8d0f")
cpch <- function(sx) 1 + 15*(crabs$sex=="M")
data(crabs, package = "MASS")
pairs(select(crabs,FL:BD), col = ccol(crabs$sp), pch = cpch(crabs$crabs))
Let us consider a PCA rotation
(crab_pca <- prcomp(select(crabs, FL:BD), scale. = TRUE))
Standard deviations (1, .., p=5):
[1] 2.18834065 0.38946785 0.21594669 0.10552420 0.04137243
Rotation (n x k) = (5 x 5):
FL 0.4520437 0.1375813 0.53076841 0.696923372 0.09649156
RW 0.4280774 -0.8981307 -0.01197915 -0.083703203 -0.05441759
CL 0.4531910 0.2682381 -0.30968155 -0.001444633 -0.79168267
CW 0.4511127 0.1805959 -0.65256956 0.089187816 0.57452672
BD 0.4511336 0.2643219 0.44316103 -0.706636423 0.17574331
crabs_pca <- predict(crab_pca) %>% as_tibble() ## Rotate the data
Plot the results
par(mfrow = c(2,2), mar = rep(4,4))
plot(crab_pca, main = "Screeplot for correlations matrix")
plot(PC1~PC2,data=crabs_pca, col=ccol(crabs$sp), pch=cpch(crabs$sex))
plot(PC1~PC2,data=crabs_pca, col=ccol(crabs$sp), pch=cpch(crabs$sex))
plot(PC2~PC3,data=crabs_pca, col=ccol(crabs$sp), pch=cpch(crabs$sex))
One of the more recent alternatives to PCA is the so called \(t\)-SNE method. In R this is implemented in Rtsne
package. Different to PCA, the \(t\)-SNE method works by finding a 2- or 3-dimensional (highly) non-linear mapping of higher dimensional distances. There are several tuning parameters one can take into account. See Google Brain’s “How to Use t-SNE Effectively” for a great introduction.
Although both PCA and t-SNE have their own advantages and disadvantages, some key differences between PCA and t-SNE can be noted as follows: