Quality Control-2

The ASTA team

OC curves

Usual setup:

diam    <- pistonrings$diameter
phaseI  <- matrix(diam[1:125],25,byrow=TRUE)
phaseII <- matrix(diam[126:200],15,byrow=TRUE)
xbcc    <- qcc(phaseI, std.dev = "UWAVE-SD", type = "xbar", plot = FALSE,
               newdata = phaseII, title = "qq chart: pistonrings")

OC curves - example


For the actual sample size (n=5) and in case of a process shift c=2, the error probability is around 7%.

If we increase sample size to n=10 then we are almost sure to immediate detection of a shift by \(2\sigma\).

CUSUM chart

The CUSUM chart is generally better than the xbar chart for detecting small shifts in the mean of a process.

Consider the standardized residuals \[z_i=\frac{\sqrt{n}(x_i-\hat{\mu}_0)}{\hat{\sigma}}\] where

Interpretation of CUSUM chart

Interpretation of \[\begin{align*} D(i)&=\max\{0,D(i-1)-k-z_i\}\\ U(i)&=\max\{0,U(i-1)+z_i-k\} \end{align*}\]

CUSUM chart example

h <- cusum(phaseI, newdata = phaseII, title = "CUSUM chart: pistonrings")

The chart includes a plot of

EWMA chart

The Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) is a statistic for monitoring the process, which averages the data in a way that gives most weight to recent data.

The EWMA is formally defined by \[M_t=\lambda x_t+(1-\lambda)M_{t-1},\ \ t=1,2,\ldots,T\] where

EWMA chart

Estimated variance for the EWMA process

\[ \begin{aligned} \text{UCL:} \quad &M_0+k s_M\\ \text{CL :} \quad &M_0\\ \text{LCL:} \quad &M_0-k s_M \end{aligned} \]

Conventional choise of \(k\) is 3.

EWMA chart example

h <- ewma(phaseI, newdata = phaseII, title = "EWMA chart: pistonrings")

Multivariate charts

An outlier would deviate from the line and/or the x-mean, so we calculate

We expect that both \(Zy_x\) and \(Zx\) should be within the limits \(\pm2\). In order to get an overall teststatistic, we calculate \[T^2=\frac{m-1}{m-2}Zy_x^2+Zx^2\] where \(m\) is sample size.

Multivariate charts

Alternatively, one might interchange the role of \(x\) and \(y\). But that does not matter. Actually it holds that \[T^2=\frac{m-1}{m-2}Zy_x^2+Zx^2=\frac{m-1}{m-2}Zx_y^2+Zy^2\]

head(X$X1, 3)
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,]   72   84   79   49
## [2,]   56   87   33   42
## [3,]   55   73   22   60

Multivariate chart example

head(X$X2, 3)
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,]   23   30   28   10
## [2,]   14   31    8    9
## [3,]   13   22    6   16

Similarly X$X2 has samples for variable X2

Multivariate chart example

h <- mqcc(X, type = "T2")

When the parameters are estimated from phase I samples, then the reference distribution is not chi-square, but rather a scaled F-distribution.

Multivariate chart example

ellipseChart(h, show.id = TRUE)

Observation 10 deviates a lot from the regression line.

The acceptance area is an ellipse.

Acceptance sampling


Sampling distributions

OC curve of a sampling plan

For a given sampling plan \((N,n,c)\) the probability of accepting the lot depends on

OCbin <- OC2c(100, 2) #default binomial
OCpoi <- OC2c(100, 2, type = "poisson")
OChyp <- OC2c(100, 2, type = "hypergeom", N = 1000)

OC curve of a sampling plan

par(mfrow=c(2,2)) #division of plot window
plot(1:10, type = "n", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "")
text(4, 5, "(N,n,c)\n(1000,100,2)", cex = 2)
xl <- c(0, 0.1)
plot(OChyp, xlim = xl, main = "hyper")
plot(OCbin, xlim = xl, main = "binom")
plot(OCpoi, xlim = xl, main = "poiss")

Find sampling plan

Suppose that \(N\) is fixed. If we specify 2 points on the OC curne, then this determines \((n,c)\).

find.plan(PRP = c(.01,.95), CRP = c(.05,.01))[1:2]
## $n
## [1] 259
## $c
## [1] 5

Default assumption is binomial sampling.

Find sampling plan

plan <- find.plan(c(.01,.95), c(.05,.01), type = "hyp", N = 200)[1:2]
## $n
## [1] 121
## $c
## [1] 2
OChyp <- OC2c(plan$n, plan$c, type = "hyp", N = 200, pd = c(.01,.05))
attr(OChyp, "paccept")
## [1] 1.000000000 0.009609746

We cannot have an exact match of the required values \((0.95,0.01)\) since \(n\) and \(c\) must be integers.

Double sampling

Let \(0\leq c_1 < r_1\) be integers.

Furthermore, \(c_2\) is an integer such that \(c_1<c_2\).

OC curve of a double sampling plan

Determining the OC curve of a double sampling plan requires input of \(n=c(n_1,n_2)\), \(c=c(c_1,c_2)\) and \(r=c(r_1,r_2)\), where \(r_2=c_2+1\).

x <- OC2c(c(125,125), c(1,4), c(4,5), pd = seq(0,0.1,0.001))
## Acceptance Sampling Plan (binomial)
##                Sample 1 Sample 2
## Sample size(s)      125      125
## Acc. Number(s)        1        4
## Rej. Number(s)        4        5

OC curve of a double sampling plan
