
Quality control

Quality control chart

Control charts are used to routinely monitor quality.

Two major types:

  • univariate control: a graphical display (chart) of one quality characteristic
  • multivariate control: a graphical display of a statistic that summarizes or represents more than one quality characteristic

The control chart shows

  • the value of the quality characteristic versus the sample number or versus time
  • a center line (CL) that represents the mean value for the in-control process
  • an upper control limit (UCL) and a lower control limit (LCL)

The control limits are chosen so that almost all of the data points will fall within these limits as long as the process remains in-control.


##   diameter sample trial
## 1   74.030      1  TRUE
## 2   74.002      1  TRUE
## 3   74.019      1  TRUE

Piston rings for an automotive engine are produced by a forging process. The inside diameter of the rings manufactured by the process is measured on 25 samples(sample=1,2,..,25), each of size 5, for the control phase I (trial=TRUE), when preliminary samples from a process being considered ‘in-control’ are used to construct control charts. Then, further 15 samples, again each of size 5, are obtained for phase II (trial=FALSE).


Montgomery, D.C. (1991) Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 2nd ed, New York, John Wiley & Sons, pp. 206-213


We shall treat different methods for determining LCL,CL and UCL. In that respect, it is crucial that we have

  • phase I data, where the process is in-control.
  • These data are used to determine LCL,CL and UCL.

The simple six sigma model

Assume that measurements

  • is a sample, i.e they are independent

  • they have a normal distribution

  • we know the mean \(\mu_0\) and standard deviation \(\sigma_0\).

    In this case we dont need phase I data.

  • CL=\(\mu_0\).

  • LCL=\(\mu_0-k\sigma_0\).

  • UCL=\(\mu_0+k\sigma_0\).

The only parameter to determine is \(k\).

We dont want to give a lot of false warnings, and a popular choise is

  • k=3, known as the 3*sigma rule.
  • The probability of a measurement outside the control limits is then 0.27%, when the proces is in-control.

This means that the span of allowable variation is \(6\sigma_0\).

The concept ``Six Sigma’’ has become a mantra in many industrial communities.

Average Run Length (ARL)

Let \(\mathtt{pOut}\) denote the probability that a measurement is outside the control limits. On average this means that we need \(1/\mathtt{pOut}\) observations before we get an outlier.

This is known as the the Average Run Length: \[AVL=\frac{1}{\mathtt{pOut}}\] An in-control process with the 3*sigma rule has AVL

round(1/(2*pdist("norm", -3, plot = FALSE)))
## [1] 370

An in-control process with AVL=500 has k*sigma rule, where k equals

-qdist("norm", (1/2)*(1/500), plot = FALSE)
## [1] 3.090232

Types of quality control charts.

Depending on the type of control variable, there are various types of control charts.

chart distribution statistic example
xbar normal mean means of a continuous process variable
S normal standard deviation standard deviations of a
continuous process variable
R normal range ranges of a continuous
process variable
p binomial proportion percentage of faulty items
c poisson count number of faulty items
during a workday

#Continuous process variable

Continuous process variable

Phase I data:

  • \(m\) samples with \(n\) measurements in each sample.

  • For sample \(i=1,2,\ldots m\) calculate mean \(\bar{x}_i\) and standard deviation \(s_i\).

  • Calculate \[\bar{x}=\frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^m \bar{x}_i \quad\text{and}\quad \bar{s}=\frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^m s_i\]

    When the sample is normal, it can be shown that \(\bar{s}\) is a biased estimate of the true standard deviation \(\sigma\):

  • \(E(\bar{s})=c_4(n)\sigma\)

  • \(c_4(n)\) is tabulated in textbooks and available in the qcc package.

    Unbiased estimate of \(\sigma\): \[\hat{\sigma}_1=\frac{\bar{s}}{c_4(n)}\] Furthermore \(\bar{s}\) has estimated standard error \[se(\bar{s})=\bar{s}\frac{\sqrt{1-c_4(n)^2}}{c_4(n)}\]

xbar chart

\[ \begin{aligned} \text{UCL:}\quad &\bar{x}+3\frac{\hat{\sigma}_1}{\sqrt{n}}\\ \text{CL:}\quad &\bar{x}\\ \text{LCL:}\quad &\bar{x}-3\frac{\hat{\sigma}_1}{\sqrt{n}} \end{aligned} \] This corresponds to

  • The probability of a measurement outside the control limits is 0.27%.

    If we want to change this probability, we need another z-score. E.g if we want to lower this probability to 0.1%, then \(3\) should be substituted by \(3.29\).


phaseI  <- matrix(pistonrings$diameter[1:125]  , nrow=25, byrow=TRUE)
phaseII <- matrix(pistonrings$diameter[126:200], nrow=25, byrow=TRUE)
h <- qcc(phaseI, type = "xbar", std.dev = "UWAVE-SD",
         newdata = phaseII, title = "xbar chart: pistonrings")
  • phaseI is a matrix with \(m=25\) rows, where each row is a sample of size \(n=5\).
  • Similarly phaseII has 15 samples.

The function qcc calculates the necessary statistics and optionally makes a plot.

  • phaseI and type= are the only arguments required.
  • We want that the limits are based on the unweighted average of standard deviations - UWAVE-SD. This is not the default.
  • We also want to evaluate the phase II data: newdata=phaseII.
  • Optionally, we can specify the title on the plot.


Besides limits we are also told whether the process is above/below CL for 7 or more consecutive samples (yellow dots).

run.length=7 is default, but may be changed. If we e.g. want this to happen with probability 0.2%, then we specify run.length=10.

S chart: Monitoring variability

In most situations, it is crucial to monitor the process mean.

But it may also be a problem if the variability in “quality” gets too high.

In that respect, it is relevant to monitor the standard deviation, which is done by the S-chart:

\[ \begin{aligned} \text{UCL:}\quad&\bar{s}+3se(\bar{s})\\ \text{CL:}\quad &\bar{s}\\ \text{LCL:}\quad &\bar{s}-3se(\bar{s})\\ &se(\bar{s})=\bar{s}\frac{\sqrt{1-c_4(n)^2}}{c_4(n)} \end{aligned} \]

Where \(3\) may be substituted by some other z-score depending on the required confidence level.

h <- qcc(phaseI,type="S", newdata=phaseII, title="S chart: pistonrings")

S chart example

Remark that the plot does not allow values below zero.

Quite sensible when we are talking about standard deviations.

R chart: Range statistics

If the sample size is relatively small (\(n\leq 10\)), it is custom to use the range \(R\) instead of the standard deviation. The range of a sample is simply the difference between the largest and smallest observation.

When the sample is normal, it can be shown that:

  • \(E(\bar{R})=d_2(n)\sigma\), where \(\bar{R}\) is the average of the \(m\) sample ranges.

  • \(d_2(n)\) is tabulated in textbooks and available in the qcc package.

    Unbiased estimate of \(\sigma\): \[\hat{\sigma}_2=\frac{\bar{R}}{d_2(n)}\] Furthermore \(\bar{R}\) has estimated standard error \[se(\bar{R})=\bar{R}\frac{d_3(n)}{d_2(n)}\] \(d_3(n)\) is tabulated in textbooks and available in the qcc package.

Charts based on R

xbar chart based on \(\bar{R}\): \[ \begin{aligned} \text{UCL:}\quad&\bar{x}+3\frac{\hat{\sigma}_2}{\sqrt{n}}\\ \text{CL:}\quad &\bar{x}\\ \text{LCL:}\quad &\bar{x}-3\frac{\hat{\sigma}_2}{\sqrt{n}} \end{aligned} \] This is actually the default in the qcc package.

R chart to monitor variability: \[ \begin{aligned} \text{UCL:}\quad & \bar{R}+3se(\bar{R})\\ \text{CL:}\quad & \bar{R}\\ \text{LCL:}\quad & \bar{R}-3se(\bar{R})\\ \end{aligned} \]

R chart example

h <- qcc(phaseI, type="R", newdata=phaseII, title="R chart: pistonrings")

Binomial process variable

Binomial variation

Let us suppose that the production process operates in a stable manner such that

  • the probability that an item is defect is \(p\).

  • successive items produced are independent

    In a random sample of n items, the number D of defective items follows a binomial distribution with parameters \(n\) and \(p\).

    Unbiased estimate of \(p\): \[\hat{p}=\frac{D}{n}\] which has standard error \[se(\hat{p})=\sqrt{\frac{p(1-p)}{n}}\]

p chart

Data from phase I:

  • \(m\) samples with estimated proportions \(\hat{p}_i,\ \ i=1,\ldots,m\)
  • \(\bar{p}\) is the average of the estimated proportions.

p chart: \[ \begin{aligned} \text{UCL:}\quad & \bar{p}+3\sqrt{\frac{\bar{p}(1-\bar{p})}{n}}\\ \text{CL:}\quad & \bar{p}\\ \text{LCL:}\quad & \bar{p}-3\sqrt{\frac{\bar{p}(1-\bar{p})}{n}}\\ \end{aligned} \]


head(orangejuice, 3)
##   sample  D size trial
## 1      1 12   50  TRUE
## 2      2 15   50  TRUE
## 3      3  8   50  TRUE

Production of orange juice cans.

  • The data were collected as 30 samples of 50 cans.
  • The number of defective cans D were observed.
  • After the first 30 samples, a machine adjustment was made.
  • Then further 24 samples were taken from the process.
     qcc(D[trial], sizes=size[trial], type="p",
         newdata=D[!trial], newsizes=size[!trial]))


The machine adjustment after sample 30 has had an obvious effect.

The chart should be recalibrated.

Poisson process variable

Poisson variation

Let us suppose that the production process operates in a stable manner such that

  • defective items are produced at a constant rate

    The number D of defective items over a time interval of some fixed length follows a poisson distribution with mean value \(c\).

    Unbiased estimate of \(c\): \[\hat{c}=D\] which has standard error \[se(\hat{c})=\sqrt{c}\]

c chart

Data from phase I:

  • \(m\) sampling periods with mean estimates \(\hat{c}_i,\ \ i=1,\ldots,m\)
  • \(\bar{c}\) is the average of the estimated means.

c chart: \[ \begin{aligned} \text{UCL:}\quad & \bar{c}+3\sqrt{\bar{c}}\\ \text{CL:}\quad & \bar{c}\\ \text{LCL:}\quad & \bar{c}-3\sqrt{\bar{c}}\\ \end{aligned} \]