Applied statistics (CPH: BD)

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Data collection and data wrangling


We use some of [A] chapter 1-3 again.

Also read Chapter 5 (Data transformation) of the free online book R for Data Science.

Lecture material

This lecture as: slideshow (html), Rmarkdown (Rmd), notes (pdf).


  1. Go to and download the two datasets

    • Allerødruten_postkort_besvarelser_2014.xlsx
    • Frederikssundruten_postkort_besvarelser_2014.xlsx
  2. Download and run cykeldata-eksempel.Rmd on your own computer and see that everything works and that you understand the commands.

  3. Download cykeldata-opgave.Rmd and make your own report as described in the file.

  4. Work on unfinished exercises from previous lecture.

  5. Solve the following exercises with the flights dataset in Chapter 5 of R for Data Science: