Applied statistics (AAL: EIT diplom)

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Introduction to R and descriptive statistics


[WMMY] Chapter 1, 8.8.

Lecture material

This lecture as: slideshow (html), Rmarkdown (Rmd), notes (pdf).

The entire module: notes (pdf).


  1. Exercises for Video 1: Many exercises in this course (including exam questions) will be completed using Rmarkdown which is a format to mix text and R code. Open the file Exercise for Video 1 in RStudio. Start reading the document from within Rstudio and follow the guide and answer the questions by modifying the Rmd file and regenerating the document.

  2. Exercises for Video 2: After watching Video 2, complete this Exercise for Video 2

  3. Exercises for Video 3: After watching Video 3, complete this Exercise for Video 3

  4. Exercise: Run the file rock-fries-your-brains.Rmd and edit the file to answer the questions.