Logistic Regression

The ASTA team

Introduction to logistic regression

Binary response

A linear model

\[P(y=1\, |\, x)=\alpha+\beta x\] is simple, but often inappropiate. If \(\beta\) is positive and \(x\) sufficiently large, then the probability exceeds \(1\).

Simple logistic regression

Logistic model

Instead we consider the odds that the person is able to complete the task \[\mathtt{Odds}(y=1\, |\, x)=\frac{P(y=1\, |\, x)}{P(y=0\, |\, x)}= \frac{P(y=1\, |\, x)}{1-P(y=1\, |\, x)}\] which can have any positive value.

The logistic model is defined as: \[\mathtt{logit}(P(y=1\, |\, x))=\log(\mathtt{Odds}(y=1\, |\, x))=\alpha+\beta x\] The function \(\mathtt{logit}(p)=\log(\frac{p}{1-p})\) - i.e. log of odds - is termed the logistic transformation.

Remark that log odds can be any number, where zero corresponds to \(P(y=1\,|\, x)=0.5\). Solving \(\alpha+\beta x=0\) shows that at age \(x_0=-\alpha/\beta\) you have fifty-fifty chance of solving the task.

Logistic transformation

p <- seq(0.1, 0.9, by = 0.2)
## [1] 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9
l <- logit(p)
## [1] -2.1972246 -0.8472979  0.0000000  0.8472979  2.1972246
## [1] 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9

Plot of logistic function and inverse logistic


x=seq(-7,7,by= 0.1)


Interpretation of \(\beta\):

What happens to odds, if we increase age by 1 year?

Consider the so-called odds-ratio: \[\frac{\mathtt{Odds}(y=1\, |\, x+1)}{\mathtt{Odds}(y=1\, |\, x)}= \frac{\exp(\alpha+\beta(x+1))}{\exp(\alpha+\beta x)}=\exp(\beta)\] where we see, that \(\exp(\beta)\) equals the odds for age \(x+1\) relative to odds at age \(x\).

This means that when age increase by 1 year, then the relative change \[ \frac{\exp(\alpha+\beta(x+1))-\exp(\alpha+\beta x)}{\exp(\alpha+\beta x)}\] in odds is given by \(100(\exp(\beta)-1)\%\).

Simple logistic regression

Examples of logistic curves for \(P(y=1|x)\). The black curve has a positive \(\beta\)-value (=10), whereas the red has a negative \(\beta\) (=-3).

In addition we note that:

This means that at age \(x=-\frac{\alpha}{\beta}\) you have 50% chance to perform the task.

Example: Credit card data

We shall investigate if income is a good predictor of whether or not you have a credit card.

creInc <- read.csv("https://asta.math.aau.dk/datasets?file=income-credit.csv")
##   Income  n credit
## 1     12  1      0
## 2     13  1      0
## 3     14  8      2
## 4     15 14      2
## 5     16  9      0
## 6     17  8      2

Example: Fitting the model

modelFit <- glm(cbind(credit,n-credit) ~ Income, data = creInc, family = binomial)
##               Estimate Std. Error   z value     Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) -3.5179469 0.71033573 -4.952513 7.326117e-07
## Income       0.1054089 0.02615743  4.029788 5.582714e-05

Test of no effect

##               Estimate Std. Error   z value     Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) -3.5179469 0.71033573 -4.952513 7.326117e-07
## Income       0.1054089 0.02615743  4.029788 5.582714e-05

Our model for dependence of odds of having a credit card related to income(\(x\)) is \[\mathtt{logit}(x)=\alpha+\beta x\] The hypothesis of no relation between income and ability to obtain a credit card corresponds to \[H_0:\ \ \beta=0\] with the alternative \(\beta\not=0\). Inspecting the summary reveals that \(\hat{\beta}=0.1054\) is more than 4 standard errors away from zero.

With a z-score equal to 4.03 we get the tail probability

ptail <- 2*(1-pdist("norm",4.03,xlim=c(-5,5)))

## [1] 5.577685e-05

Which is very significant - as reflected by the p-value.

Confidence interval for odds ratio

From the summary:

Plot of model predictions against actual data

Multiple logistic regression

Several numeric predictors

We generalize the model to the case, where we have \(k\) predictors \(x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_k\). Where some might be dummies for a factor. \[\mathtt{logit}(P(y=1\, |\, x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_k))= \alpha+\beta_1 x_1+\cdots+\beta_k x_k\] Interpretation of \(\beta\)-values is unaltered: If we fix \(x_2,\ldots,x_k\) and increase \(x_1\) by one unit, then the relative change in odds is given by \(\exp(\beta_1)-1\).


Wisconsin Breast Cancer Database covers 683 observations of 10 variables in relation to examining tumors in the breast.

We shall work with only 4 of the predictors, where two of these have been discretized.

BC <- read.table("https://asta.math.aau.dk/datasets?file=BC0.dat",header=TRUE)
##   nuclei cromatin Size.low Size.medium Shape.low     Class
## 1      1        3     TRUE       FALSE      TRUE    benign
## 2     10        3    FALSE        TRUE     FALSE    benign
## 3      2        3     TRUE       FALSE      TRUE    benign
## 4      4        3    FALSE       FALSE     FALSE    benign
## 5      1        3     TRUE       FALSE      TRUE    benign
## 6     10        9    FALSE       FALSE     FALSE malignant

Global test of no effects

First we fit the model mainEffects with main effect of all predictors - remember the notation ~ . for all predictors. Then we fit the model noEffects with no predictors.

mainEffects <- glm(factor(Class)~., data=BC, family=binomial)
noEffects <- glm(factor(Class)~1, data=BC, family=binomial)

First we want to test, whether there is any effect of the predictors, i.e the null hypothesis \[H_0:\ \ \beta_1=\beta_2=\beta_3=\beta_4=\beta_5=0\]


Similarly to lm we can use the function anova to compare mainEffects and noEffects. Only difference is that we need to tell the function that the test is a chi-square test and not an F-test.

anova(noEffects, mainEffects, test="Chisq")
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model 1: factor(Class) ~ 1
## Model 2: factor(Class) ~ nuclei + cromatin + Size.low + Size.medium + 
##     Shape.low
##   Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance  Pr(>Chi)    
## 1       682     884.35                          
## 2       677     135.06  5   749.29 < 2.2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

mainEffects is a much better model.

The test statistic is the Deviance (749.29), which should be small.

It is evaluated in a chi-square with 5 (the number of parameters equal to zero under the nul hypothesis) degrees of freedom.

The 95%-critical value for the \(\chi^2(5)\) distribution is 11.07 and the p-value is in practice zero.

Test of influence of a given predictor

##                 Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept)      -0.7090     0.8570 -0.8274   0.4080
## nuclei            0.4403     0.0823  5.3484   0.0000
## cromatin          0.5058     0.1444  3.5026   0.0005
## Size.lowTRUE     -3.6154     0.8081 -4.4740   0.0000
## Size.mediumTRUE  -2.3773     0.7188 -3.3074   0.0009
## Shape.lowTRUE    -2.1490     0.6054 -3.5496   0.0004

For each predictor \(p\) can we test the hypothesis: \[H_0:\ \ \beta_p=0\]

Prediction and classification

BC$pred <- round(predict(mainEffects,type="response"),3)
##       Class  pred
## 1    benign 0.011
## 2    benign 0.945
## 3    benign 0.017
## 4    benign 0.929
## 5    benign 0.011
## 6 malignant 1.000

Not good for patients 2 and 4.

We may classify by round(BC$pred):

tally(~ Class + round(pred), data = BC)
##            round(pred)
## Class         0   1
##   benign    433  11
##   malignant  11 228

22 patients are misclassified.

## [1] 0.035 0.037 0.089 0.190 0.205

There is a malignant woman with a predicted probability of malignancy, which is only 3.5%.

If we assign all women with predicted probability of malignancy above 5% to further investigation, then we only miss two malignant.

tally(~ Class + I(pred>.05), data = BC)
##            I(pred > 0.05)
## Class       TRUE FALSE
##   benign      50   394
##   malignant  237     2

The expense is that the number of false positive increases from 11 to 50.

tally(~ Class + I(pred>.1), data = BC)
##            I(pred > 0.1)
## Class       TRUE FALSE
##   benign      27   417
##   malignant  236     3