Stochastic processes III

The ASTA team

Models with expogenous variables

Exogenous variables

Regression models with exogenous variables


Simulation of the example

alpha = 0.9; gamma = 1; n = 100
x = as.ts(5*sin(1:n/5))
eps = arima.sim(model=list(ar=alpha),n=n)
y = gamma*x+eps

- We should think of the red curve as some data we want to model, and the black curve as another variable which we believe may influence the data. - We can also plot \(x_t\) against \(y_t\) to get a view of the relation between the two variables rather the time evolution.


Estimation and model checking

mod=arima(y,order=c(1,0,0),xreg=x); mod
## Call:
## arima(x = y, order = c(1, 0, 0), xreg = x)
## Coefficients:
##          ar1  intercept       x
##       0.8168    -0.2677  1.0179
## s.e.  0.0597     0.5480  0.1121
## sigma^2 estimated as 1.063:  log likelihood = -145.49,  aic = 298.98



nnew = 20
xnew = lag(as.ts(5*sin(((n+1):(n+nnew))/5)),-n)

- we use the predict function.

p = predict(mod,n.ahead=nnew,newxreg=xnew)

An example with delay

alpha = 0.5; gamma = 1; n = 100; delay = 5
x = as.ts(5*sin(1:(n+delay)/5))
eps = arima.sim(model=list(ar=alpha),n=n+delay)
y = gamma*lag(x,-delay)+eps
dat = ts.intersect(x,y)

cc = ccf(dat[,1],dat[,2],lag.max=10)

estlag = cc$lag[which(cc$acf==max(cc$acf))];estlag
## [1] -5
dat2 = ts.intersect(as.ts(dat[,1]),lag(dat[,2],k=-estlag))

mod=arima(dat2[,2],order=c(1,0,0),xreg=dat2[,1]); mod
## Call:
## arima(x = dat2[, 2], order = c(1, 0, 0), xreg = dat2[, 1])
## Coefficients:
##          ar1  intercept  dat2[, 1]
##       0.4150    -0.2019     1.0210
## s.e.  0.0939     0.1797     0.0493
## sigma^2 estimated as 1.064:  log likelihood = -137.86,  aic = 283.72

ARMAX models

Discrete vs. continuous time

There are two fundamentally different model classes for time series data.

So far we have only looked at the discrete time case. We will finish todays lecture by looking a bit at the continuous time case, just to give you an idea of this topic.

Continuous time stochastic processes

In this setup we see the underlying \(X_t\) as a continuous function of \(t\) for \(t\) in some interval \([0,T]\).

In principle we imagine that there are infinitely many data points, simply because there are infinitely many time points between 0 and \(T\). Of course this is never true: In practice we will always only have finitely many data points.

But it makes sense to believe that the real data actually contains all the data points. We are just not able to measure them (and to store them in a computer).

With a model for all datapoints, we are - through simulation - able to describe the behaviour of data. Also between the observations.

Wiener process

A key example of a process in continuous time will be the so–called Wiener process.

Three simulated realizations (black, blue and red) of this process can be seen here

## Warning in rgl.init(initValue, onlyNULL): RGL: unable to open X11 display
## Warning: 'rgl_init' failed, running with rgl.useNULL = TRUE
## Warning: .onUnload failed in unloadNamespace() for 'rgl', details:
##   call: fun(...)
##   error: object 'rgl_quit' not found
## Package 'Sim.DiffProc', version 4.0
## browseVignettes('Sim.DiffProc') for more informations.

A Wiener process has the following properties:

The intuition of this process is that it somehow changes direction all the time: How the process changes after time \(s\) will be independent of what has happened before time \(s\). So whether the process should increase or decrease after \(s\) will not be affected by how much it was increasing or decreasing before.

This gives the very bumpy behaviour over time.

Stochastic differential equations

A common way to define a continuous time stochastic process model is through a stochastic differential equation (SDE) which we will turn to shortly, but before doing so we will recall some basic things about ordinary differential equations.

Suppose \(f\) is an unknown differentiable function and \(f(0)=1\). Recall the mathematical description of a differential equation


With the condition \(f(0)=1\) this equation has the solution


With a slightly unusual notation we can rewrite this as \[df(t)=-4\cdot f(t)dt\] This equation has the following (hopefully intuitive) interpretation:

So when \(t\) is increased, then \(f\) is decreased. And the decrease is determined by the value of \(f(t)\). That is why \(f\) decreases slower and slower, when \(t\) is increased.

We say that the function has a drift towards zero, and this drift is determined by the value of the function.

Stochastic differential equations

It will probably never be true that data behaves exactly like the exponentially decreasing curve on the previous slide.

Instead we will consider a model, where some random noise from a Wiener process has been added. Two different (black/blue) simulated realizations can be seen below

The type of process that is simulated above is described formally by the equation \[d X_t=-4 X_tdt+0.1d W_t\] This is called a Stochastic Differential Equation (SDE), and the processes simulated above are called solutions of the stochastic differential equation.

The SDE \(d X_t=-4 X_tdt+0.1d W_t\) has two terms:

The intuition behind this notation is very similar to the intuition in the equation \(df(t)=-4\cdot f(t)\;dt\) for an ordinary differential equation. When the time is increased by the small amount \(dt\), then the process \(X_t\) is increased by \(-4X_t\,dt\) AND by how much the process \(0.1W_t\) has increased on the time interval \([t,t+dt]\).

So this process has a drift towards zero, but it is also pushed in a random direction (either up or down) by the Wiener process (more precisely, the process \(0.1W_t\))