Applied statistics

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Analysis of covariance


[A] Chapter 13, except section 13.5.

Lecture material

This lecture as: slideshow (html), Rmarkdown (Rmd), notes (pdf).

The entire module: notes (pdf).

Answers to exercises


  1. Agresti exercise 13.1 and 13.5. These exercises should just be answered with pen and paper.

  2. Solve Agresti exercise 13.7 and 13.8 using the Rmarkdown file Agresti-13-7_and_13-8.Rmd.

  3. Agresti exercise 13.20
    • Hint to (a):
      (i) old white woman, that ...
      (ii) young black guy, that ...
    • Extra question: In connection to the variable religion:
      Which religious groups are not significantly different from "no religious affiliation"?

Solutions to the exercises can be found here.